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Biosafety Inaccuracies in Popular Media: "The Hot Zone"

In the world of infectious disease research and development, professionals can’t afford to base their work on biosafety inaccuracies—and as the often-botched response to COVID-19 indicated, the public should be intolerant of such errors, as well.
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Environment, Hazardous Waste Disposal, EPA, Hazardous Waste

Biosafety: Enhanced Safety During a Laboratory Relocation or Migration

Growing biomanufacturers all face a major challenge: As they ramp up from R&D to production, or as they move to a larger space, they must still maintain safety and compliance. New, larger facilities...

Sustainability, Waste Disposal, Recycling, Waste Minimization, Waste Management, Waste Management Services, Plastic

5 Most Popular Choices for Waste Disposal: Which Is Most Sustainable?

Sustainable waste management is becoming increasingly important in the modern world. A rapidly growing global population is subsequently increasing raw material consumption—and this cycle is creating...

Controlled Substance Inventory: Key Biennial Review Guidelines

As we roll into 2025, it’s an opportune time as ever to review an organization’s controlled substance inventory. Doing so ensures compliance and supports efficiency and safety in drug handling. It...

EHS Compliance, Regulatory Compliance

The Importance of EHS Audits: Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

Environmental, health, and safety (EHS) audits: not just a tedious waste of time, although they may sometimes feel that way to managers. On the contrary—EHS audits are vital across industries for a...

OSHA Violations, Workplace Safety, Regulatory Compliance

OSHA's Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards: The Usual Suspects

Year after year, organizations across industries and throughout the nation fail to meet federal worker safety guidelines. And year after year, this oversight exposes laborers to needless injury or...

EHS, Lab Pack, Tank Cleaning, Lab Move, Chemical Inventory, Lab Relocation, Laboratories, Facility Maintenance, Lab Decontamination, Lab Decommissioning, Biological Safety Cabinet, Fume Hoods

Season's Cleanings: How To Maximize Your Holiday Shutdown and Lab Hibernation

Holiday facility closures and year-end shutdowns are indicative of a season of rest. In fact, one study indicates that employees are twice as likely to request time off in December in comparison to...

EPA, Reporting, Regulatory Compliance

What Is the Final Third Rule of e-Manifest?

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest (e-Manifest) system has been used to centralize hazardous waste tracking information across the country since 2018....

Chemical Inventory

Chemical Inventory List Versus Chemical Inventory Manager

Organizations relying on chemical inventory lists to support their R&D or production operations are setting themselves up for compliance and operational failure.


What Happened at COP29 - Essential Need-to-Knows

The 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) wrapped up last week, leaving in its wake a number of key takeaways—and...
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